
Teatro Sineglossa: Remember Me

Teatro Sineglossa: Remember Me

August 25th, 2012 by

Inspired by an aria from Purcell’s Baroque opera Dido and Aeneas (‘Remember me, but ah, forget my fate.’), Sineglossa’s short filmic theatre show (just 20 minutes in duration) is less a story than a visual and aural poem exploring how the desire to love absolutely can become a form of narcissism, the one who desires and the […]

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Horse + Bamboo: Angus: Weaver of Grass

Horse + Bamboo: Angus: Weaver of Grass

August 24th, 2012 by

If you do go and see this show, I strongly advise that you read the programme notes beforehand. What you will discover is that it is based on the life of Angus McPhee, a native of the Scottish island of South Uist who developed schizophrenia during his army service in the Second World War and […]

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SKaGeN / Valentijn Dhaenens: Bigmouth

SKaGeN / Valentijn Dhaenens: Bigmouth

August 24th, 2012 by

Even the most ardent conservative/republican would surely admit that this is a highly accomplished, virtuoso performance, stunning in its execution. The left-leaning majority of contemporary theatregoers will think it is simply brilliant. At just under 90 minutes this is the longest show I have seen at the Fringe, but each moment is so thoroughly considered […]

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Little Angel Theatre / RSC: The Tempest

Little Angel Theatre / RSC: The Magician’s Daughter

August 24th, 2012 by

This puppet-based show is aimed at ages 3+ and is a high quality, seamless and visually engaging production that parents will probably enjoy as much as their children. As might be expected from a Little Angel / RSC collaboration, the craft disciplines employed are all of the highest order and this, refreshingly, includes the art […]

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Jenna Watt: Flâneurs

Jenna Watt: Flâneurs

August 24th, 2012 by

It is so refreshing, so enlightening to encounter a piece of theatre that is important among the swathes of comedy that engulf the Edinburgh Fringe each year. Jenna Watt’s Flaneurs is just that, a piece of theatre that is important – it is highlighting something bad about the world and is trying directly to change […]

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