
Thaddeus Phillips: 17 Border Crossings

Thaddeus Phillips: 17 Border Crossings

August 16th, 2015 by

We start with a man sitting at a desk and a speech from Shakespeare – Henry V to be precise. Inventor of the parchment passport in 1440, it would seem. This leads into a breathless dash through the history of the passport. Twentieth century innovations include the 1920 League of Nations standardisation, with 32 pages […]

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Clout Feast

Clout Theatre: Feast

August 15th, 2015 by

The centre of the stage is filled with soil. Three almost-naked bodies. It rains, they get wet, the soil turns to mud. They get very dirty, their bare skin and the skimpy bits of muslin cloth preserving their modesty (more or less) coated in mud. It’s a mess, a filthy bloody mess. So that’s the […]

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Palestinian Circus B-Orders

Circus Hub at Edinburgh Fringe 2015

August 15th, 2015 by

Circus Hub at Edinburgh Fringe 2015 is offering an eclectic selection of contemporary circus shows of all sorts, from bright and breezy crowd-pleasing family shows to grown-up late night spectacles, via a healthy amount of experimental and boundary-challenging work from across the globe. The two tents, The Lafayette and The Beauty, sit in the Meadows […]

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My Darling Patricia - The Piper - Photo by Joshua Morris

My Darling Patricia: The Piper

August 15th, 2015 by

This performance by interdisciplinary Australian company, My Darling Patricia, relies upon the help of a hand-chosen group of audience members to wear headphones and follow instructions and to play parts of the stage action. This is a great concept which allows the children in this version of the classic Pied Piper story to actually be […]

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Trick of the Light - The Bookbinder

Trick of the Light: The Bookbinder

August 15th, 2015 by

A man lies asleep on a table surrounded by books, lit by an anglepoise lamp and some other old fashioned domestic lamps. A vintage record player is scratching out a tune. When the record runs out, the man startles awake complaining about the player being ‘newfangled technology’, and the show begins. What ensues is a […]

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