CollettivO CineticO, XD | Photo: Marco Davolio

CollettivO CineticO: XD

CollettivO CineticO, XD | Photo: Marco Davolio

XD is an emoticon that represents a smiley face, and smiling is something it’s hard not to do throughout this absurd piece of performance art style dance. Four dancers in various states of nudity set up boxes of props either side of the stage as we take our seats. One of them is completely naked apart from three red Adidas ‘go faster stripes’ taped onto his bare legs. A stopwatch round the neck of a Superman-pants-wearing gent is used to signal the beginning of the piece.

Over the next half-hour the quartet create a variety of frames on the floor – white LX tape, yellow skalectrix, chalk, metal – in which they recreate images from manga comics, pornography, advertising and fashion. Movement derives from the aspirational, consumer-driven society that permeates our every move, with three men in pants modelling their abs and pouty faces. The only woman onstage is covered in a white T-shirt with an X where the face should be. Head covered, she bounds around her box, sharp movements battering at the edges. Is she stuck here, or happy to bounce back and forth in this bubble?

There aren’t many answers given in the piece, rather it’s a series of vignettes strung together. One lingering image is of the Superman-pants boy donning a cape and flinging himself into the arms of the other men ready to fly away. It’s all a lot of fun, although I’m not quite sure what the collective wants us to walk away with.