In the distinctive Vamos style (full-masked, characterful, human stories, told with pathos and humour) we are pitched straight into an absolutely recognisable situation: a girl and her older brother, a playful and familiar quarrel, a time in the recent past (but definitely past), and a hint of something more urgent, darker, on the horizon – […]
Tag Archives: London International Mime Festival 2018

Mother, Lover, Hero, Dreamer
February 8th, 2018 by Dorothy Max PriorDorothy Max Prior discovers a world of age-old archetypes and new mythologies in a diverse selection of work seen at the London International Mime Festival 2018 If there’s one defining characteristic of work presented at the London International Mime Festival, it is that the work is hard to define; slipping and sliding as it does […]

Betes de Foire – Petit theatre de gestes
February 2nd, 2018 by Dorothy Max PriorRoll up, roll up! We may be in a black box studio theatre, but let’s imagine for a moment that we are inside un petit chapiteau – a little circus tent. What we encounter in this delightful show is un vrai cirque aux proportions reduites – everything you’d expect to see at the circus, but […]

LIMF 2018: Life is a Circus
January 30th, 2018 by Thomas JM WilsonThomas Wilson reflects on three very different contemporary circus-theatre shows seen at the London International Mime Festival 2018 London International Mime Festival enters its 41st year, and as usual proves to be the single best place to get a glimpse of the diversity of visual and physical performance currently around. This year is no […]

Kalle Nio/WHS: Lähtö | Departure
January 12th, 2018 by Dorothy Max PriorLähtö is a cool show. Its colour palette is soft greys and ice blues. Its two performers, a man and a woman, are forever poised in beautiful shapes – held back, restrained, even when in the throes of passion. They take their time, they repeat, they are not afraid to stop, to create the image […]