Author Archives: Lisa Wolfe


About Lisa Wolfe

Lisa Wolfe is a freelance theatre producer and project manager of contemporary small-scale work. Companies and people she has supported include: A&E Comedy, Three Score Dance, Pocket Epics, Jennifer Irons,Tim Crouch, Liz Aggiss, Sue MacLaine, Spymonkey and many more. Lisa was Marketing Manager at Brighton Dome and Festival (1989-2001) and has also worked for South East Dance, Chichester Festival Theatre and Company of Angels. She is Marketing Manager for Carousel, learning-disability arts company.

Light, Ladd and Emberton - Caitlin - Photo by Warren Orchard

Light, Ladd and Emberton: Caitlin

Light, Ladd and Emberton - CaitlinThey give us the money shot early. Caitlin curled around Dylan’s head like a Welsh blanket. Is she suffocating him or shielding him from something? From himself perhaps, or more likely, from her. For while Dylan Thomas was a notorious boozer and womaniser, it is Caitlin’s wilder and less predictable spirit that we are here to witness.

Set in a circle of folding chairs, we are addressed as if at an AA meeting (Caitlin joined AA twenty years after Dylan’s death.) We hear snippets of their life together, how they met before he became a great writer, her ambition to be a dancer: ‘It was to be a truce, my body and his brains.’ Then the babies, how she followed him to London, to America. It’s not a direct narrative but more like remembered episodes, filtered through the lens of a hangover. Each nugget of biographical information is exploded physically in a fierce and passionate duet with chairs. As Caitlin, Eddie Ladd is fully convincing, raw, dynamic, and scary. Gwyn Emberton gives Dylan a sinuous quality. Words wriggle out of him like demons, as if his poetry is a curse. He later eats his words. He is not a happy soul.

This battle of wills crashes and burns around the space, chairs are flung and bruises shown like prizes. They pick up and knock down, pull and punch, roll and lift. The message comes through loud and clear – they are a dysfunctional couple and they are equals. The love between them struggles to rise above the lack of trust.

As the piece progresses there is little choreographic development and it becomes a relentless game of what one can do with a chair. There are brilliant moments – the pair yoked together through a chair, Dylan eating sweets off a tray – and the performances are exquisite. While this is the woman’s story – hurray – it felt to me that it would have been helpful to know more about their relationship. Caitlin asks the audience for money, but what if we don’t know that Dylan never sent her any? What about Dylan’s illnesses and their effect on her? Some further context would have enriched the piece. The final all-out battle to a demonstrative sound score by Thipaulsandra lacked impact because of all that had come before.

At twenty minutes this would be fantastically exciting dance. But Caitlin, rather like the woman herself, didn’t know when to stop.

Caroline Horton - Islands

Caroline Horton & Co: Islands

Caroline Horton - IslandsOh Mary, oh Eve, what alarming, degrading, furious role models you are for womankind. Ruling your shitty, filthy world, with your lack of morals and shifting affiliations, with your disorganised bodies, shallow greed and steel hearts. Who should I follow and what should I believe?

Caroline Horton’s ensemble show, which premiered in January, set the critical elite howling and some of the Bush audience spluttering out part-way through. It has since gathered deeper, more informed comment online. Coming to it now, with so much back-story, I was still unprepared for the force of the thing which from the moment of entry is a dystopian feast for the senses.

Mary (Caroline Horton) is a greedy, ambitious god who with her acolytes (John Biddle and Seirol Davies, trans-gender clad) wants to shit on Shitworld from her floating island, called Haven. The story is painted with a broad brush on a mucky canvas.  Nothing is subtle here, there is no subtext or interrogation of economics (despite the involvement of specialist advisors). What you see, hear, and smell is a playful, overblown, monstrous journey that takes in social climbing, stock market crashes, capitalism, and tax evasion.

The writing is over-explanatory at times, but there are some knock-out sequences featuring radio hosts and some great lines. I enjoyed a reference to ‘Ayn Rand on glockenspiel,’ the idea of God ‘watching porn and listening to the Archers’ and the notion that in Shitworld everything is made better by a cup of tea. As it rolled along, with coups and crashes, and play-acting and a sense of its own ridiculousness, Islands brought to mind Enda Walsh’s The Walworth Farce and Ubu Roi.

The cast goes at it with gusto and Hannah Ringham, as Eve, is the thumping heart of the piece. She offers an intense, emotional response to the alarming events unfolding around her. Eve and Adam (Simon Startin) both get flipped; lose their moral compass. Their degradation is quite sickening.

The visual world is perfectly realised by the design team and Elena Pena’s sound design is full of texture. The songs are less convincing. God feels the need to end on a big number, of course she does, but it didn’t quite hit the spot for me. The action moves around inside a square, neatly choreographed but a somewhat obscured from the second row of seats.

In essence, Islands sets up a crazed, anarchic playground for a very bitter, rather over-long, fairy tale. It lambasts religion and rails against corruption while shitting on the weak. If you go to it with an open mind, prepared to face its verbal and stylistic challenge, you will find the humour in it – as the actors so clearly do. Islands is as much a howl against bland theatre as against society.

Produced by Caroline Horton & Co, China Plate and the Bush Theatre

Inconvenient Spoof: The Room in the Elephant

Inconvenient Spoof: The Room In The Elephant

The team who made last year’s Buddhism: Is It Just For Losers? (whose title was one of the funniest parts) have hit comedy gold this time, with a forty-five minute shake-down of performance that leads you right up the proverbial garden path and straight into the man-shed.

It skewers all theatrical tropes and theories about what acting is, who is doing it, how to put truth on stage and what an audience will or will not believe. The ‘plot’ is about how theatre is made and the show constantly shifts both its perspective and our perception.  A variation then, of ‘let’s put the show on right here!’ done with sorry masculine flourish and silly props: tiny hammers, a plastic strong-bow, some phoney recording devices and an overlarge box.

Although The Room in the Elephant lacks the visual aesthetic of Buddhism – in which the costumes and puppets were fabulous – putting the emphasis on the devising process and plot (or rather the lack of it) frees the actors up. They just have to record what they are doing ‘in the moment’ so they can do it again for real, less well. When the projected script goes blank on the screen, they are lost for words, and when Joe Mulcrone gets really angry – is he really angry or acting angry? Can his acting ever be that good? They hammer a nail into the wall, against the terms of their contract with the theatre. They are aghast to discover that their leaflets carry the show’s old title Fingers, Fists and Feelings.

The show is credited to Inconvenient Spoof (Matt Rudkin) with Cat and Mouse Theatre (we presume the other two). There is an interesting dynamic between the three performers. Matt Rudkin was tutor to Meredith Colchester and Joe Mulcrone on the now sadly-defunct Theatre with Visual Arts course at University of Brighton, and they have made a few shows together, seeded through Matt’s regular Happy Clap Trap variety nights. Now they are on a more equal footing (or at least, this is what they are playing out onstage): creatively and financially it’s a three-way split. So Matt’s role as theatrical auteur, demanding ‘There is to be no acting, write it down, learn it and you’ll come across as wooden and shit’ is countered by Meredith’s clowning and Joe’s insistence on story and character.

Alongside the examination of meta-theatre we get shed-building, real-life enactments (Joe broke his leg two weeks ago) several visual gags, a live-art video, cod-philosophy about the sexual attraction of birds, some distracting (intended?) corpsing and a moment of discomforting manly banter.

If all this seems too self-referential and knowing for your taste, sit tight, Room In The Elephant keeps on giving and is full of surprises. The ending is total hoot. Of course the company won’t approve of my critique, as Matt made clear in the show, ‘Did you ask her for her feedback? I fucking hate that.’


Sylvain Émard Danse: Fragments Volume 1

Mid-way through Fragments – Volume 1, I began to worry about choreographer Sylvain Émard’s state of mind. The work seemed so gloomy and bleak. A post-show talk revealed that his starting point for each of this series of short pieces was to ask the dancer what was most urgent in their lives right now. He built each dance around their answer.

For Catherine Viau, it was the feeling of being out of control in your life. Émoi, émoi, reprised here by Kimberley de Jong, is danced within horizontal planes of light, suggestive of an interior space, to a techno-industrial score by Michel F Côté. It’s part film noir, part sci-fi thriller as de Jong explores the limits of the environment, long limbs flashing through the dimness. You get the sense that she is seeking something within herself as she creeps and spins, kicks and pivots. De Jong is a graceful and skilled dancer but the choreography is technique-heavy with only occasional flashes of brilliance.

Monique Miller, a renowned actress in Quebec, was persuaded by Émard to make a piece called Absence, which she says is inspired by the absence of love in plays by Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller. Yet those plays are full of feisty women and it’s a shame that Miller isn’t given the chance to connect with the audience or express loneliness more powerfully than in this spare and delicate piece. There are some poignant moments – on a chair, her feet gently tapping to an inner rhythm, or folding herself into a ball, while breathy jazz saxophone plays and a lonely hearts text is read. It is always great to have older people on stage and hers was a dignified performance. Some challenge would have been refreshing and perhaps engaged the heart more fully.

Bicephale means double headed, and in the third Fragment, dancers Manuel Roque and Georges-Nicolas Trembly (his first time in the role) are two creatures having to determine their territory in order to survive. That sounds like relationship trouble to me, and in this longer piece the pair confront each other in a dynamic dance of pull and push, with twists, leaps and holds in a struggle for power, or perhaps for reconciliation. This is physique-led dance, showing off the body and testing its limitations. After an effective start – two backlit shapes slowly morphing into hipsters, hands stuck in pockets – it becomes rather worthy and repetitive. German composer Jan Jelinek’s score is all hiss, rumble and buzz, atmospheric but oppressive. Lighting design, for the whole show, is by André Rioux, and most effective in the first piece where it really shapes space.

Émard is a clearly capable choreographer but this was a well-produced, beautifully danced programme that twinkled rather than dazzled.

Dans mon jardin, a fourth solo dance, was skipped due to injury. The programme translates a song from it; ‘My garden was graced with swallows, poppies and butterflies. Now there are practically none left.’ Maybe Fragments – Volume 2 will be the sunny, second album.

Bucket Club Lorraine-and-Alan

Bucket Club: Lorraine and Alan

For those who grow up by the coast, the sea has a mighty pull. Swimming off the jetty, watching the tide roll back across the vast, winkle studded mud flats of the Estuary. I can smell it now. If, like Lorraine, you are a Celtic mythical seal-woman, the ocean is eventually going to draw you back, no matter how much you love Alan, or your boy.

Bucket Club’s cleverly staged, disarming play is a proper treat. It takes a simple romantic premise (boy meets girl, parents disapprove, baby is born, dad dies), but makes the girl a Selkie and thus spins it into something beyond the everyday. No happy endings here.

All the mechanics of the production are on stage for us to see, with Becky Ripley (co-writer with Nel Crouch) and David Ridley (sound designer) providing sound effects, commentary, a wonderfully passive-aggressive mum and quiet dad. A slowly ticking clock evokes the living room, the grating of knife against fork backgrounds an embarrassingly silent meal. The musicality is seamlessly integrated into the action and some perky songs, beautifully sung, move the story along. I’ve seldom seen it done better.

Katie Sherrard as Lorraine (named after Lorraine Kelly off the telly) conveys essence of seal in just a mucky anorak and has an emotional intensity beyond caricature. Young marine biologist and seal fanatic Alan never questions her ‘otherness’ – the over-salty food, the lengthy baths underwater breathing through a straw, the fondness for being nude. It is a warm and rounded performance by Adam Farrell and they both negotiate skilfully a set comprised of plastic bottles.

If the plot leaps ahead rather too quickly, to parenthood, dad’s death and Lorraine’s unhappy lot, the action is always engaging and the key relationship well drawn. There is great economy and inventiveness in Nel Crouch’s direction and in the text, which is naturalistic and funny: ‘Leamington Spa! You have brought me to the most landlocked town in Great Britain.’

Finding Lorraine’s ‘skin’ in the attic seals her fate (sorry, that’s an Alan-type pun) and there follows a nicely unpresuming ending to a playful and enjoyable hour.