
Sparkle and Dark - I Am Beast - Photo by Idil Sukan

Sparkle and Dark: I Am Beast

August 12th, 2015 by

The arriving audience is greeted by electronic music being created live by a musician, a plain white set of walls, windows, domestic furniture, and a young woman sitting wide-eyed on a small bed staring off into the middle distance. As soon as the performance begins a man appears, very clearly in grief for a lost […]

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Tamasha - My Name Is

Tamasha: My Name Is…

August 12th, 2015 by

Based upon true events that happened a few years ago and were briefly in the papers in Scotland and England, this performance derives from interviews with the daughter and the two parents who were at the centre of the story. Most of the events recounted here take place in Glasgow and focus on the romance […]

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Brush Theatre - The Overcoat

Brush Theatre: The Overcoat

August 12th, 2015 by

The gentle strains of light piano music welcome the audience into the space, after a formal welcome from our hosts. As we settle we notice the musician – an elderly man in a flat cap who is singing wordlessly along to the music he is playing on the keyboard. Our hosts encourage us to sit […]

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Fairy Tale Theatre 18 & Over

Fairy Tale Theatre: 18 & Over

August 12th, 2015 by

I was somewhat weary and wondered as I waited whether taking a punt on this late night American puppet cabaret was a decision I would quickly regret.  One hour later I was invigorated and giddy with delight, having stumbled across a performance so far up my alley it actually made me wince. Fairy Tale Theatre: […]

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Trygve Wakenshaw: Nautilus

August 12th, 2015 by

Following the award-winning Kraken, this show delivers another helping of the same delicious dish. This is not a reference to Wakenshaw’s boyish good looks, but his singular expertise in the art of divergent thinking. Over a number of routines he elaborates simple visual starting points into highly imaginative stories using his virtuoso skills as a […]

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