
20 Stories High: Tales from the MP3

August 21st, 2014 by

20 Stories High served me a reminder that my preconceived notions about theatre are best thrown in the bin. No one is without prejudice and before the show I thought, Oh dear, this is going to be worthy and predictable, I’ll go in with an open heart sure enough, it’s my job to do exactly […]

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Arcos: The Warriors: A Love Story

August 21st, 2014 by

Arcos have created a complex and multilayered show, rich in resonances and yet baffled by its own complexity, feeling like a trio of disparate shows bolted together. There is a philosophical response, a multimedia solo show exploring family history, and a dance piece which sits in relation to the other two. It starts with a […]

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Magnetic North: A Walk at the Edge of the World

August 21st, 2014 by

Far away from the fray of the Fringe is a little refuge in the gentle hands of performer Ian Cameron. He waits for you in the grounds of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art for A Walk at the Edge of the World. He is a distant figure with an orange umbrella standing, most […]

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Milk Presents: Self Service

August 21st, 2014 by

From the very first moment of the wonderfully loose café-based intro to the fine vulnerability of the shows closing moments, Milk hold us with an gorgeous charm. The three performers and musician have impeccable complicity, their ability to listen to each other and respond just at the perfect moment lends a seamlessness to the glamourous […]

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Verity Standen - Mmm Hmmm - Photo Paul Blakemore

Verity Standen: Mmm Hmmm

August 21st, 2014 by

Three singers on a bare stage wheel through corkscrew-tight curls of song, ricocheting between techniques and styles as they jump from impressionistic, abstract vocals into capitalist gregorian chant and beyond. If you want to hear three incredible voices embark on an intricate journey then this is the show. Mmm Hmmm is a combination of sublime […]

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