
Rannel: 2Deep

Rannel: 2Deep

October 4th, 2012 by

Matt and Joey are two child-adults who live together in a disco bunker underground. They’ve been here awhile, though not so long their spirits arereally getting low, and when they do feel down they cheer themselves up with a bit of hip-hop music on the turntable, maybe a synchronised dance routine. Occasionally they still try using […]

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Cut to the Chase: Treasured ¦ Photo: Robin Kay

Cut to the Chase: Treasured

October 3rd, 2012 by

This year marks the centenary of the sinking of the Titanic, an event that continues to reverberate as an archetype of tragedy and disaster. But despite being very old news, the sinking of what the White Star Line billed as its biggest ‘super-liner’ captures the public imagination as if it happened only yesterday. In association […]

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Idiot Child: I Could’ve Been Better

Idiot Child: I Could’ve Been Better

October 3rd, 2012 by

I Could’ve Been Better takes us into the world of the wonderfully unique James, a thirty-something social oddity. Gangly in limb, adorned with a nondescript blue shirt tucked deep into pleated plain trousers that hover at his ankles above verruca socks, he stands with his back toward the incoming audience. As we take out seats, rarely […]

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Tmesis Theatre: Wolf Red

Tmesis Theatre: Wolf Red

September 29th, 2012 by

A bright, full moon shone as I walked to Liverpool’s Unity Theatre to see Wolf Red, the first solo show from Elinor Randle, one half of innovative Liverpool-based company Tmesis Theatre. Even in the city it is impossible not to entertain sublunary thoughts of wildness and lurking threat. By even wilder contrast, Wolf Red is ostensibly about a […]

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Kneehigh and West Yorkshire Playhouse: Steptoe and Son

Kneehigh and West Yorkshire Playhouse: Steptoe and Son

September 26th, 2012 by

Well known for a pacy, inventive and playful approach to theatre-making, much of Kneehigh’s previous work has explored and re-presented stories familiar to us through other sources (Tristan & Yseult, Brief Encounter,Cymbeline, Rapunzel, Nights at the Circus, The Bacchae – to name but a few).Steptoe and Son, a Kneehigh collaboration with West Yorkshire Playhouse, represents something of a departure from […]

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