
Ursula Martinez: Free Admission

November 11th, 2016 by

She’s not one to do things by halves, so if there’s going to be a stage metaphor, it’s going to be a bloody great big one. First though, is an introductory preamble, by which Ursula Martinez means to make that important initial impact on an audience, and handover her mobile phone for a selfie to […]

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Fevered Sleep: Men and Girls Dance

November 6th, 2016 by

Two moments make you hold your breath: a man deftly sweeping a small girl into his newspaper lair; and a man’s whispered description of the girl sitting close to him, ‘I can see a freckle just above her mouth’. It was always going to be risky, this bringing together of grown-up male professional dancers and […]

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Nando Messias Shoot the Sissy. Photo Holly Revell

Nando Messias: Shoot the Sissy

October 25th, 2016 by

Nando Messias’ alter-ego / performance persona Sissy has been navigating through gender barriers and society’s fault lines for over seven years in an ongoing series of works. Shoot the Sissy, which premieres at the Chelsea Theatre as part of the And What? Queer Arts Festival builds on Sissy and The Sissy’s Progress – but stands […]

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Jérôme Bel: Gala

October 25th, 2016 by

What a glorious 75 minutes of dance theatre Gala is. I don’t remember the last time that a live performance has made me grin like a Cheshire cat and burst into smiling tears… It’s remarkable. French dance artist Jérôme Bel has gathered together 20 performers of varying ages and abilities – some professional dancers, some […]

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Femi Martin: How To Die of a Broken Heart

October 24th, 2016 by

Building on two scratch performances held at Battersea Arts Centre in 2015, writer and performer Femi Martin returns for three nights with her one-woman show, How To Die of a Broken Heart. Martin takes her intimate audience through a series of relationships and health scares as she discovers the strange, corruptive and accommodating behaviours of […]

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