As Edwardian pleasures go this was a surreal mix of The Great Orlando’s foam puppet carving (with an electric bread knife), delicate songs, and recitals from the Butcher Boys’ abattoir and delicatessen collection. Madame Fay sang for that little corner that will remain forever England, surrounded by her poisoned pigeons, accompanied by the debonair Miss Lucy on the pianoforte; Kitty Deplihez doubled up on silent screen and as wild man tamer and explorer; Mr. Pineapple metamorphosed into a shabby doubly-inarticulate Mr. Ed. All swung along by the urbane, the cultured Wild Man of Borneo in his leopard skin loincloth (civilised in speech, he knew no better than to sit facing the audience with his legs wide splayed open, an up-skirt view for all). This was a lot of fun, nowhere better to be on a Saturday night (but with time to go out afterwards). The evening had pace, variety and a warm intimate feel. As Madam Fay took her (severed) lover's hand in hers, you could share her joy and lament. This was small-scale big-hearted theatre, of all sorts of skills combined, a spectacle for the audience to revel in. It was good to see a production mounted for the sheer joy of it. The conceit of the Edwardian parlour kept it all tightly themed – it didn’t matter that the audience had plastic electric fans to keep Mr Ed’s bubbles aloft, as it stayed in a world entirely consistent with its own weird logic.