Absurdist, humorous and uneven, Talking Pictures sixth show, Secrets of the City paralleled the metropolis itself: sprawling, anonymous, dislocated. Initially a series of scenes and characters loosely held together by a silent man holding a sign emblazoned with the words: ‘Talk to me’. Given the opportunity a thought became a rant, a desperate voice tried to make sense of the chaos and powerlessness of city life. A woman's husband lay dead in the shower, she asked for help, the passing pedestrians found 100 ways of ignoring her and hurrying on. Situations epitomising our fears and prejudices, our own lives hard enough without getting involved in others’.
In a city where everyone was strange, everyone had a story, a way of surviving, Talking Pictures showed vignettes of life, making every happening palatable: murders, decapitation, torture, perfectly acceptable but unexplained. This was not a deeply psychological play.
Like a Robert Altman film, stories and characters gradually merged around the woman who had murdered her husband, coming together in the enterprise of selling the reality of death. A neat ending to a loosely structured and powerful play.