It is unusual to see a Spanish play played in Spanish at a provincial English theatre, and playing to a full house, but Théâtre Sans Frontières have developed something unique in their foreign language shows. Their physical and visual theatre style allows anyone access to the story, regardless of their ability to speak the language. The play is not difficult to follow, it is a simple farce based on a well-known Spanish folk tale, and that certainly helps, but the pleasure of the show is the players and their playing. They were so obviously enjoying themselves, in their multi-role playing, and I will never forget the chorus of donkeys, who made the humans look so silly. The set and its transformations, as it changed from mill, to prison, to townhouse, was totally in keeping with the whole style of the piece and made for a seamless unfolding of the plot. Théâtre Sans Frontières have, since 1991, created a unique model of contemporary theatre for a multicultural society. In fact I am surprised that more companies aren’t doing this sort of thing as the potential is enormous. This is honest, simple and unpretentious theatre at its best.