In a UK premiere, Tom and Phillipe presented their show Don’t Wurre. The show consisted of a series of sketches with such titles as 'Third World', 'Solitude' and 'The Alphabet'. In 'The Alphabet', the two Belgians constructed a series of letters with their bodies and the audience had to guess the final word. Nobody did as it was a Flemish word! But with boundless generosity flowers were given to a woman with a request to give them back at the end of the show as they would be needed for the next performance!
Tom and Phillipe's style is very simple, warm and human. Their characters portrayed two touchingly innocent men, happy in their world, struggling to overcome simple problems. When your hands are down your trousers and appear at your knees, how do you blow your nose? Ingenious and comic solutions were found, continuing the constant chuckles and giggles of laughter from the audience. Some of the sketches were perhaps too long and others not long enough. Toilet humour tended to creep in, however it was heavily disguised in such a bizarre and quirky manner that it was forgiven and forgotten. One left the show with one's faith in humanity restored. Wurre Wurre's style is simple, absurd and simply absurd!