Delerium, From Where I'm Standing

Delirium: From Where I’m Standing

Delerium, From Where I'm Standing

From Where I’m Standing is a slick physical theatre production from youthful company Delirium. There’s a distinct Complicite aesthetic to the show, which has been both devised by the company and scripted (by writers Sarah Henley and Kate Robson-Stuart), producing a dynamic dramaturgy that effectively integrates design elements and ensemble storytelling. Focusing on the Mumbai bombings threatened earlier in 2013 and fictionalised here as having taken place, the action unfolds across three time periods and three generations to examine the causes and effects of this inciting incident form the point of view of a Person of Interest injured in the explosion.

There are strong performances all round from a versatile cast who convincingly portray an array of characters from sixth-formers graduating in the heady run up to Labour’s 1997 election victory, to PR media spivs and gurus in 2028. The show demonstrates ambition in its scope, and although some of the themes – (mis)communication, and the ways we use storytelling to create a sense of self – are a little over-enunciated in the script, the emotional stories portrayed feel truthful and touching and the writing generally steers clear of the sort of moral generalisation which comes easily in theatrical explorations of terrorism (although a bullying scene with US agents teeters close to she edge).

The physicality is thoughtfully done and well integrated with the text to produce moments of intriguing underscoring that never detract from our sense of the believable reality of the characters and world, though sometimes the clever use of iPads felt a bit intrusive. The direction also makes good use of David M Saunders’ powerful score which only occasionally felt a little overbearing in its cinematic scale. This is a confident production from an emerging company telling a contemporary story with commitment and dynamism.

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About Beccy Smith

Beccy Smith is a freelance dramaturg who specialises in developing visual performance and theatre for young people, including through her own company TouchedTheatre. She is passionate about developing quality writing on and for new performance. Beccy has worked for Total Theatre Magazine as a writer, critic and editor for the past five years. She is always keen to hear from new writers interested in developing their writing on contemporary theatre forms.