Have you noticed the changes yet? Total Theatre now has a full colour cover, a new Editorial Group and a revised design to improve its visual impact. It remains committed to encouraging debate across all areas of physical based performance.
In this issue we take a look behind the scenes at Barclays New Stages, explore the application of physical theatre and improvisation techniques in prisons and delve into the controversial world of performance artists Orlan and Stelarc who push their bodies to controversial extremes in pursuit of artistic expression.
The emphasis in these articles on New Work and Access and Participation, demonstrate the important implications that the Arts Council of England's proposed categories for the distribution of Lottery Funds have for our sector. The four-page supplement on the Real Action! Mime and Physical Theatre Residency which was hosted by The Unity Theatre, Liverpool in association with MAG in March, highlights the importance of practitioner exchange and collaboration for physical based performers.
This issue also contains details of two forthcoming events which will provide exciting opportunities for participation and professional development. On page 30 there are details of the next MAG event, Discovery 1: Out of the Woods, an Exchange Workshop organised in conjunction with The Hawth and Bodily Functions in August. And on page 18 there are details of Raising the Voice of Silence, a Mime Development Project being supported by MAG in Cambridge in January 1997. The organisers are currently looking for small scale mime-based theatre companies to participate in the week-long programme. It could be you!