One of the purposes of making new comic theatre must surely be to push the boundaries of the form. Another, to arouse passions we perhaps aren't aware of, and to raise questions that need to be asked. Even if all comedy provides is a temporary escape from the daily drudge, it would be nice to think that it could at least be innovative. In the publicity for Flat One we are told of men on the moon, pizza boys, relationships going awry, and a mixture of theatrical styles. And this is what we get. Forbidden Theatre deliver what is promised, but ultimately only in the letter of the law, rather than the spirit.
Playing to a full house, the company give us in-jokes and well-worn material, that, although perfectly well performed, left me with the feeling that this was something that can be seen in an average TV sitcom any night of the week. ‘Visual' and 'unusual' it wasn't. This piece very much had the feeling that it was thrown together without purpose – except perhaps that there was a booking to fulfil. Some concession was made to ‘movement’, but ultimately the impression was one of drama school actors trying to do something different without having the experience or training to do so.
Having said that though, much of the audience seemed to enjoy the show, although it was very short. But because of the lazy nature of the work, this reviewer felt short changed.