Two screens, two cameras, two people (a man and a woman), two lives and an urban setting: London. These are the starting points for Lightwork's latest piece of live performance with mixed media technology. London/My Lover attempts to illustrate that the human body is as much a sum of its history and experience as the alleyways and footpaths of a city. At least, that's what I gathered from the programme, in which quotes from Peter Ackroyd and Roland Barthes are used as illuminating supporting material,
It is interesting to take two separate lives in the same city and in effect distil them by looking at the events in each character's day simultaneously. Such distillation allows a quiet and reflective study of two lives that eventually intersect by chance – and for London to flex its muscle in the lead role, playing none other than Cupid.
This was achieved quite effectively through combined recorded video image and live camera on stage as backdrop to the actors 'going through the motions’ of their characters' daily routine. Some of the mime here was a bit unclear – at one point I thought she was sewing an elaborate tapestry rug to the office floor.
There is nudity – and this is where Barthes and co. on the programme became more relevant – but the connection between urban landscape and the body as landscape remained spurious. The final image of two actors stranded starkers on separate podiums, gazing at each other through the video lens, not having physically connected at any point during the performance, unfortunately meant that the whole exercise fell flat.