
Little Dog Barking Theatre: Duck, Death and the Tulip

August 12th, 2014 by

The word death in the title of a children’s show may well seem out of place, but let this not deter you from giving this story a chance. It is after all based on a book which, when it came out in Germany in 2007, became a critically acclaimed best seller. Working in the best […]

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Paines Plough - LUNGS - Photo Thomas Doyle

Paines Plough: Lungs

August 12th, 2014 by

A new production of Duncan Macmillan’s 2011 two-hander forms part of a repertoire of four plays to be toured by Paines Plough’s pop up venue Roundabout. The shows, all performed by three actors and in the round, open in Edinburgh before they start their autumn itinerary. Directed on this occasion by George Perrin, the production […]

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Skagen - Small War - Photo Jeremy Abrahams

SKaGeN: SmallWaR

August 12th, 2014 by

For those who did not see the Belgian theatre maker Valentijn Dhaenens’s 2012 take on verbatim theatre, BigmoutH, it seems important to mention a few things about it here first. As an actual in-depth study of oration, BigmoutH consisted of a selection of texts from the mostly western history of public speaking, from Socrates and […]

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30 Bird: Domestic Labour: A Study in Love

August 11th, 2014 by

Everyday objects. Upright Hoovers, lots, dotted around the performance space. A ladies’ bike. A radiator. Electrical appliances. Extension leads. Marigold gloves. An ironing board. A flat-screen TV. The domestic environment. We hear a male voice on the soundtrack, mixed low – it’s hard to hear what’s being said. I pick up something about having to […]

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Jamie Adkins: Circus Incognitus

August 11th, 2014 by

If you like old-school vaudeville, masterfully delivered, then Canadian clown Jamie Adkins is the man for you. I arrive a few minutes late, and I don’t warm to him straightaway. Perhaps because I’m cold and wet and out of breathe, having run to the theatre across Edinburgh in the rain. Perhaps because publicity promises someone […]

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