
Tron Theatre, Ulysses | Photo: John Johnston

Tron Theatre Company: Ulysses

August 26th, 2013 by

It was all a dream! Dermot Bolger’s effective adaptation of James Joyce’s masterpiece Ulysses reconstructs the novel as if it is being dreamed by Leopold Bloom. Doing so means it can start and finish with Molly Bloom’s famous soliloquy and make that evocative speech the narrative thread. The opening scene has Molly (Muireann Kelly) in […]

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Mamoru Iriguchi, Projector/Conjector

Mamoru Iriguchi: Projector/Conjector

August 26th, 2013 by

Projector/Conjector states in the programme that it is a dance piece as well as a piece of theatre. This production pushes the definition of both those terms. The two performers, Mamoru Iriguchi and Selina Papoutseli move slowly about the small stage; Iriguchi has a TV screen on his head, Papoutseli has a projector on hers. […]

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Jen McArthur and Kallo Collective, Echolalia

Jen McArthur and Kallo Collective: Echolalia

August 26th, 2013 by

Jen McArthur uses physical gesture and dance in her one-woman show Echolalia, which explores the subject of Asperger’s syndrome and social etiquette. Echo is a character trapped inside her home and inside her own head; we see her go about her daily routine, obsessively counting her steps and repeating her routines. She is preparing for […]

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HookHitch Theatre, This was the World and I was King

HookHitch Theatre: This was the World and I was King

August 26th, 2013 by

An upper class English family deal with the personal impact of their father leaving to fight in the First World War in this accomplished production by emerging company HookHitch Theatre. The piece focuses on the family’s children and the magical worlds they conjure in order to cope with the separation. The brooding divisions between the […]

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Vision Mechanics, Dark Matter | Photo: Symon Macintyre

Vision Mechanics: Dark Matter

August 26th, 2013 by

As I settled into a comfy camping chair in a pleasant suburban garden in Leith I was filled with excitement at the experience about to unfold. I had been given a dark poncho and a set of headphones to wear, and I took in the scene, an idyllic garden, lit beautifully beneath a starry sky. […]

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