
Ontroerend Goed, Fight Night | Photo: Reinout Hiel

Ontroerend Goed: Fight Night

August 7th, 2013 by

Roman, Charlotte, Sophie, David, Valentijn. Who will you vote for? Who will I vote for? Voting here in this theatre set-up is anonymous, just as it is in the ballot box in the wider world. As we come into the auditorium we are issued with little electronic devices that will allow us to tap in […]

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Little Bulb, Squally Showers

Little Bulb: Squally Showers

August 7th, 2013 by

Silver slash, naked mannequins, clear plastic chairs, a water cooler, a British Isles rug – welcome to the newsroom, the well-oiled machine of monumental broadcasts. Little Bulb’s latest show is a kind of physical comedy sit-com with the comic twist that all the (black-legginged, bare-footed) characters express themselves not only through the sort of tit-for-tat […]

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Fire Exit / David Leddy, Long Live the Little Knife | Photo: Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

Fire Exit / David Leddy: Long Live the Little Knife

August 7th, 2013 by

Stage backdrop, floor and even the audience seating are covered with paint-splattered canvas. It’s like sitting in the middle of a Jackson Pollock painting. Although we are seated in a regular theatre space, I read in the script notes that the author (David Leddy) envisions it as set in an art gallery or disused warehouse. […]

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Dudendance, This Side of Paradise

Dudendance: This Side of Paradise

August 5th, 2013 by

Apocalypso! Our culture is awash with images of violence, destruction, despair and degradation. 24-hour news coverage beamed from war-torn countries, TV documentaries exposing the use of torture, gory and sadistic films, shoot-em-up video games. Almost daily we encounter yet another dystopia, another vision of apocalypse – the end is nigh, it seems. The end is […]

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Theatre Ad Infinitum, Ballad of the Burning Star | Photo: Idil Sukan

Theatre Ad Infinitum: Ballad of the Burning Star

August 5th, 2013 by

Shalom! Peace be with you, prosperity, welfare –hello there! Oh, and while I have your attention, can I look in your handbag to see if you are hiding any bombs? And – well now, how interesting – don’t worry honey, I won’t tell a soul… Meet Star, an Israeli diva who has a wicked way […]

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