
Tara Cheyenne Performance: bANGER

Tara Cheyenne Performance: bANGER

August 5th, 2012 by

‘I am half man,’ says Tara Cheyenne, disconcertingly clad in lingerie, toes pointed at the end of very long legs. ‘My father is a man, and his father before him.’ Within minutes she has adopted not just the uniform of a male head-banging teenage high school misfit, but the whole physicality of him. Acknowledging the […]

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neTTheatre: Puppet. Book of Splendour

neTTheatre: Puppet. Book of Splendour

August 5th, 2012 by

‘You shouldn’t expect a story’ says someone at some point in Puppet. Book of Splendour. Well no, of course not. NeTTheatre’s latest work to make it to the Edinburgh Fringe is not afraid to tackle big subjects – the Kabbalistic tradition of Jewish mysticism, the struggle between existence and oblivion, the all-encompassing breadth of Judeo-Christian culture, history, […]

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Odd Comic: Would be Nice Though...

Odd Comic: Would be Nice Though…

August 4th, 2012 by

How surreal have your job interviews been? Would Be Nice Though… – a piece from artists Holly Bodmer and Dot Howard, who together make up Odd Comic – places you in the moments leading up to a job interview that will never materialise. You are the interviewees, the hopeful few who have arrived to vie for a […]

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Akhe: Mr Carmen

Akhe: Mr Carmen

August 4th, 2012 by

The cards are drawn, and what will happen will happen. As we enter the space – a big old church with a grand high ceiling, shadows cast on rough brick walls – two men, dressed in great frock-coats and tall hats, are sat upstage behind painted lecterns, turning over playing cards and throwing them to […]

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Ross Sutherland: Comedian Dies in the Middle of a Joke

Ross Sutherland: Comedian Dies in the Middle of a Joke

August 4th, 2012 by

Take a seat and take on a character; it’s 1983, and you’re here to recreate a murder. Comedian Joe Pops was shot dead at the end of a disastrous set and now you’re recreating a five-minute time loop leading up to his death. This novel piece splits the audience in two with some members sitting […]

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