
Belarus Free Theatre: Minsk 2011: A Reply to Kathy Acker

Belarus Free Theatre: Minsk 2011: A Reply to Kathy Acker

May 24th, 2012 by

The Belarus Free Theatre are outspoken critics of the Belarus regime – a company who have themselves faced political repression and who have first-hand experience of arrests, protests and refuge. Minsk 2011: a Reply to Kathy Acker is a theatrical telling of Minsk and its many scars, with a particular focus on freedom of expression and sexuality […]

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Touched Theatre: Headcase

Touched Theatre: Headcase

May 24th, 2012 by

A bed, a bedside lamp, a goldfish (puppet) in a fish tank, and a projection on the bedroom curtains of a mouthless puppet girl, strolling, running, swimming, dancing, flying. A real girl storms into the space through the door, into her bedroom space, her sanctuary, her solitary world; she’s exhausted, she’s troubled, she’s puzzled and […]

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Jo Bannon: Exposure ¦ Photo: Stuart Rodda © 2011 Rules and Regs

Jo Bannon: Exposure

May 23rd, 2012 by

To see the world through the eyes of another is a difficult task. Yet Jo Bannon asks through her new work if that is even possible: can we ever really see each other as we really are? Exposure is the first in a projected series of works exploring concepts of ‘looking’. Set in the pitch dark, it […]

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John Moran: The Con Artist

John Moran: The Con Artist

May 20th, 2012 by

The Con Artist is a new work by New York composer / theatre artist John Moran. One ongoing feature of John Moran’s work makes portraits of peoples and places in sound through the careful arrangement of everyday utterances and conversations. After visiting Mayfest previously with the semi-autobiographical John Moran + Saori (…in Thailand) he has been asked back […]

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Nova Pitch: If I Ruled the World

Nova Pitch: If I Ruled the World

May 20th, 2012 by

It’s 1pm, time to press Play on my MP3 player. The friendly voice in my ears asks if I’ve come alone? I am instructed to go sit in a quiet place on the Brighton station concourse, away from others, where I can notice the man with the newspaper, the woman sending a text, farewells and […]

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