
Oh Productions - Flat Pack

Oh! Productions: Flat Pack

May 3rd, 2016 by

Japanese director Ninagawa’s assertion that he is not interested in what’s new but what works might be a suitable reference point for this delicately witty and, by turns, tender offering by south coast outfit Oh! Productions. The premise is simple: newlyweds Sophie (Sophie Powell) and Olly (Oliver Harrison) have been gifted a flatpack house and […]

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Barely Methodical Troupe - Kin - Photo by David Levene

Barely Methodical Troupe: Kin

May 3rd, 2016 by

The space is packed and buzzing, haze hangs in the air. The crowd’s excitement and expectation is palpable. Barely Methodical Troupe have gathered a sizeable following since their first show Bromance at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2014. Winning the Total Theatre & Jackson’s Lane Award for circus, the show ushered in bookings in abundance […]

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Karavan Ensemble - D-Code - Photo by Aliche Mollica

Karavan Ensemble: D-Code

April 26th, 2016 by

D-Code starts slowly:  a crumpled paper sheet, the size of a person – maybe a map, maybe a patchwork of newspaper clippings, something we can’t make out – twists and lifts in a breeze we can’t perceive.  As the sheet, which seems to have vital information on it somehow, becomes more animated, a form becomes […]

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Race Horse Company - Super Sunday - Photo by Petter Hellman

Race Horse Company: Super Sunday

April 19th, 2016 by

Race Horse Company opens CircusFest 2016 with Super Sunday, a show that is ridiculous and playful while remaining touching in its reverence to circus history. This young Finnish company was founded in 2008 on the premise of creating ‘a completely new kind of contemporary circus’ and they achieve this, somehow, by going back to its […]

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Fye and Foul - Cathedral - Photo by Vivianna Chiotini

Fye and Foul: Cathedral

April 12th, 2016 by

Set in near-darkness, Cathedral, inspired by a short story by Raymond Carver, uses light and sound to explore our experience of memory, truth, and reality. The darkness is disorienting at first, leaving us in a heightened state of awareness, waiting in earnest for the smallest flicker of light or movement. The performance is built around […]

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