
Breach Theatre - The Beanfield - Photo by Murdo MacLeod

Breach Theatre: The Beanfield

August 21st, 2015 by

This piece, squeezed into a corner of a tiny space on the Royal Mile with six chairs, a projection screen and a square of green fake grass taped to the floor, begins straightforwardly, with six young men and women reading out the communications between them in their preparations for the play. Their ambition is to […]

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Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg / The Barbican: Antigone

August 21st, 2015 by

Suited in a contemporary new translation by Anne Carson that is as stark, cutting, and brutal as the modern world this Antigone lives in, Ivo van Hove’s production at the Edinburgh International Festival descends with the full weight of looming darkness of Sophocles’s classic. A bold circle of light that beams through the center of […]

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Pinocchio Theatre - The Metaphysical Caravan

The Pinocchio Theatre in Lodz: The Metaphysical Caravan

August 21st, 2015 by

I heard the drive from Poland to Scotland was quite eventful, and the group on the morning of their first performance were tired and stressed, and the equipment had suffered from rain damage. After waiting until they’d settled I managed to see two of the three pieces they were presenting at the Fringe before heading […]

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Complicite - The Encounter - Photo by Robbie Jack

Complicite: The Encounter

August 20th, 2015 by

Complicite have built a reputation as master visual raconteurs. Their body of work has almost come to define the term physical theatre as they have etched a unique style that fuses physicality with a deconstructed stagecraft, supporting gripping narratives. In their latest piece The Encounter they not only uphold this reputation but break new theatrical […]

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Studio Matejka - Awkward Happiness

Studio Matejka: Awkward Happiness

August 20th, 2015 by

Awkward Happiness is a contemporary dance-theatre piece performed by an attractive young cast of four, featuring singing, acting, contemporary dancing, live musical accompaniment, and video projection. As we enter a lithe young lady is sat on a table, swinging her legs, swigging wine and throwing sly smiles in our direction. As the show begins she […]

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