
Cie 111-Bory-Ito - Plexus - Photo Aglae_Bory

Compagnie 111 / Aurélien Bory / Kaori Ito: Plexus

January 24th, 2015 by

Aurélien Bory is a regular at the London International Mime Festival, having astounded audiences with Plan B and Plus Au Moins Infini, amongst others. He creates fascinating performances that merge dance, circus, and large-scale installation type sets to awing affect. In this year’s offering, Plexus, he continues to dazzle. The definition of the word ‘plexus’ […]

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Circus Ronaldo - Amortale - Photo Benny De Grove

Circus Ronaldo: Amortale

January 24th, 2015 by

Circus Ronaldo’s publicity and programme for Amortale are contrarily earnest: we’re told about the the rich traditions of a sixth-generation travelling family circus, the nostalgia for a primal theatre not understood but experienced, the meeting of tragedy and trivia. But although it encompasses all of these things, the show is fundamentally a comic performance of […]

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TEAM RoosevElvis

Adventures Off Broadway

January 23rd, 2015 by

January Blues? Not in New York says Terry O’Donovan, who is there to report on a flurry of festivals… It’s January. The temperature is well below freezing, but that hasn’t stopped the international theatre-world from descending upon New York for a myriad of theatrical festivals, conferences and symposiums. Armed with a furry hat, leather gloves […]

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Chris Lynam - ErictheFred

Chris Lynam: ErictheFred

January 22nd, 2015 by

Chris Lynam is a master clown who has been a stalwart of street performance, cabaret, festival and stage for over 30 years.   Often outrageous, frequently provocative, sometimes aggressive and dangerous, he is a trickster figure whose set pieces are undercut by manic improvisations from a quicksilver persona which manages to both delight and outrage his […]

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Flabbergast Theatre - Tatterdemalion

Flabbergast Theatre: Tatterdemalion

January 22nd, 2015 by

Flabbergast Theatre have grown a reputation for delivering highly skilled visual comedy. The creators of Boris and Sergey have etched out their own unique visual style in slick performances of high-energy tabletop puppetry. Tatterdemalion is their first foray into the world of clown and mime whilst still incorporating some object manipulation. Yet, in comparison to […]

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