
Livingstones Kabinet: KLIP

August 14th, 2014 by

A cacophonic darkly comic live collage. A piece of tomfoolery from the void. Their words, not mine, but they’ll do very nicely, thank you. Words are important in this piece: words begged, borrowed and stolen from a series of parlour games. Words as in Merz declamations. Dada rants. Concrete poetry. Percussive noises. Song. Words that […]

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Ontroerend Goed: Sirens

August 14th, 2014 by

You may be stronger than me, but I have a weapon. I can SCREAM. And so she does, and so they all do, these women before us, they scream. Very loudly. This is an immediate, clear, unequivocal feminist statement. We are women, we have voices, and we will not be silenced. Sirens is a show […]

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Baccala Clown: Pss Pss

August 14th, 2014 by

Sometimes a show is such a total delight that it is hard to write about it without just gushing ‘See it, see it!’ – Pss Pss is such a show. See it, see it. Winner of a Cirque du Soleil prize, and playing the Edinburgh Fringe after successful appearances worldwide, including at the London International […]

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Put Your Sweet Hand In Mine - Photo Ludovic des Cognets

Andy Field & Ira Brand: Put Your Sweet Hand In Mine

August 12th, 2014 by

A show about love that from the start cossets us with the warmth and humanity of its two performers, sat with us in two parallel rows facing each other. There is the instant connection to the person opposite you and then we are carried into the show, as Brand describes moment by moment the way […]

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Helen Paris and Caroline Wright: Out of Water

August 12th, 2014 by

Where are the sailors and the lifesavers? The swimmers and the singers? Well, the singers are certainly here. And the lifesavers, guiding us in the art of artificial respiration. Cover the nose and mouth and breath. Breath, breath until you see the chest rise. This on our headphones, connected not (as is the wont these […]

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