
Nikki Schreiber / fanSHEN, Cheese | Photo: Conrad Blakemore

Nikki Schreiber / fanSHEN: Cheese

September 18th, 2013 by

Cheese is a rare thing in the theatrical world: a play that genuinely keeps you guessing, amuses throughout, and has an important message burning through its heart. Debut playwright Nikki Schreiber catapults us into a bizarre world where Joe and Freya live in an Emmental house and everyone expects the cheese to be forever plentiful… […]

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Mr and Mrs Dream

The Magic Box: CGI innovations meet Dance in France

September 15th, 2013 by

Truth is in our dreams’ said Eugene Ionesco. Mr et Mme Reve (Mr and Mrs Dream) is a theatrical dance show by Compagnie Pietragalla-Derouault, made in collaboration with a large software company called Dassault Systemes – an unusual type of collaboration, crossing art/science and art/business boundaries. The project uses video and other digital technologies within […]

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Lucy Hopkins, The Veil (La Foulard)

Lucy Hopkins: The Veil (La Foulard)

September 11th, 2013 by

Shimmering into the room in a shivering, slithering mass of black material, Lucy Hopkins emerges from within her cocoon to announce that she is an ‘Artist’. Now draped in her black shawl and dressed in a black role neck and leggings Hopkins paints a perfect pastiche. This character, who is our host for the next […]

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Gare St Lazare Players, Waiting for Godot | Photo: Eliott Erwith

Gathering the Threads of Irish Theatre

September 5th, 2013 by

Lisa Wolfe previews Dublin Theatre Festival It will be interesting to see, in perhaps a decade from now, if the current density of productions of Samuel Beckett’s plays and stories have influenced a younger generation of writers. Will there be a fashion for plays about loss, failure and regret? Will stages be populated with curious […]

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Scottee, The Worst of Scottee

Ed Fringe 2013: The Last Post

September 2nd, 2013 by

Dorothy Max Prior on the Total Theatre Awards winners and nominees So that’s it – the Edinburgh Festival Fringe is done and dusted. Shows have ended, Awards have been given, and the colourful Brigadoon city (purple cows! red-and-gold Spiegeltents! lime-green Astroturf!) has melted into the mist, leaving behind the stern grey brick of all those […]

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