
Sparkle and Dark's Travelling Players: The Girl With No Heart

Sparkle and Dark’s Travelling Players: The Girl With No Heart

August 22nd, 2012 by

This fourth show from Sparkle and Dark employs live music, various forms of puppetry and a ‘real’ central performer to tell a haunting if somewhat confusing fable of lost innocence. The elements are combined to create a coherent and engaging aesthetic, and there is a solid competence throughout the various skills deployed, but despite my […]

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Sleeping Trees: Not Treasure Island

Sleeping Trees: Not Treasure Island

August 22nd, 2012 by

Three boys messing about on a stage – it’s become part of the Edinburgh Fringe tradition, and with the Penny Dreadfuls taking a long and possibly permanent break, and Pappy’s allegedly on their Last. Show. Ever, there’s a gap to be filled. Enter Sleeping Trees with their patchwork version of Treasure Island – indeed, Not Treasure Island. […]

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Tumble Circus: This Is What We Do For A Living

Tumble Circus: This Is What We Do For A Living

August 21st, 2012 by

One man, one woman. Ropes, a static trapeze, strops, straps, juggling clubs, hoops, a shared red dress, a sofa, a pile of cushions. A whole load of tricks, and a bunch of kitchen sink stories. Two reconstructed shoulders, a smashed wrist, and a broken foot. Seventeen years, 7 months, 23 days. She’s called Tina, and […]

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East End Cabaret: Notoriously Kinky

East End Cabaret: Notoriously Kinky

August 21st, 2012 by

East End Cabaret are a female double act who are extremely charismatic, extremely talented musicians, extremely talented comedic fools, and extremely rude! Everything about them is EXTREME. They are Bernadette Byrne, the tall vampy one, dressed in black with a black Weimar cabaret bob of a hairstyle, pale skin and wide red-rouged lips ready to […]

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Theatergroep WAK: Nothing Is Really Difficult

Theatergroep WAK: Nothing Is Really Difficult

August 21st, 2012 by

Nothing Is Really Difficult features three men (Toon Kuijpers, Dorus van der Meer and Bart Strijbos from Dutch Theatergroep WAK) and an audience in a box – a very big box! On arriving at the venue, a space just outside the George Square Theatre, we find the upside-down wooden box. We know it’s upside down because […]

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