
Attention! Colonel Quince is in the house

February 21st, 2018 by

Dorothy Max Prior profiles actor-creator Andres Aguirre, whose one-man show Lorcuedus is a physical theatre tour-de-force Ra-ta-tat tat. Ra ta tat. Poom. Poom. Poom-poom. A wild-eyed figure is regaling us from a balcony, his arms gesticulating, onomatopoeic outbursts fired from his mouth with automatic-rifle power and precision. After a few minutes we start to hear […]

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Nigel Barrett & Louise Mari with Abigail Conway: Party Skills for the End of the World

February 16th, 2018 by

Skills. It’s all about skills. Party skills. Survival skills. Party Skills for the End of the World: How to mix a martini – shaken not stirred, naturally. How to play a record – yes, there are people in this world old enough to drink alcohol who do not know how a turntable works. How to […]

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Vamos Theatre: A Brave Face

February 12th, 2018 by

In the distinctive Vamos style (full-masked, characterful, human stories, told with pathos and humour) we are pitched straight into an absolutely recognisable situation: a girl and her older brother, a playful and familiar quarrel, a time in the recent past (but definitely past), and a hint of something more urgent, darker, on the horizon – […]

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Mother, Lover, Hero, Dreamer

February 8th, 2018 by

Dorothy Max Prior discovers a world of age-old archetypes and new mythologies in a diverse selection of work seen at the London International Mime Festival 2018 If there’s one defining characteristic of work presented at the London International Mime Festival, it is that the work is hard to define; slipping and sliding as it does […]

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Betes de Foire – Petit theatre de gestes

February 2nd, 2018 by

Roll up, roll up! We may be in a black box studio theatre, but let’s imagine for a moment that we are inside un petit chapiteau – a little circus tent. What we encounter in this delightful show is un vrai cirque aux proportions reduites – everything you’d expect to see at the circus, but […]

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