
Atelier Bildraum: Bildraum

August 27th, 2016 by

In which an architect and a photographer compose an audovisual story live on stage. It’s all very simple – well, deceptively simple. It’s actually all very cleverly thought out and constructed. At first, you notice – or at least, I noticed – two main focal points on the stage. Architectural models of buildings, one a […]

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Briefs Factory: Hot Brown Honey

August 27th, 2016 by

Make some noise, the hot brown honeys are here! Five feisty Australasian women of colour who are NOT going to be quiet, but instead are going to take some space for themselves; are going to show us who they are. We’re not witches, they say, but something wicked this way comes… So stand up and, […]

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Julia Croft: If there’s not dancing at the revolution, I’m not coming

August 27th, 2016 by

A body, carrying weight. The weight of frocks and feathers and furbelows. Centuries of feminine adornment.  Cue megaphone: This is Julia. This is her body. It’s a good body, a valuable body. A very rare diamond. Onscreen, shots of a phone screen, texting/sexting. Or something. Close-up shots of her eye, her tongue, her foot, some […]

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Aurora Nova/ Andrew Carlberg/ Bojana Novakovic: The Blind Date Project

August 27th, 2016 by

Cilla Black this ain’t: three-ways, anal sex with small penises, and porn preferences are some of the things that pop up in this rollercoaster of a blind date. Bojana Novakovic certainly has more dates a week than the average single urbanite: each night of the festival, in her role as ‘Anna’, she meets a new […]

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Inspector Sands: The Lounge

August 27th, 2016 by

‘OK my darling, up you pop… down you pop… just pop your arms up and I’ll pop this nightie off… A cup of tea? A biscuit? A bourbon, a custard cream, a digestive? OK, botty on potty… Oh, careful my darling, you don’t want to fall down again like Humpty Dumpty, do you?’ Guilia Innocenti […]

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