
Circa: Depart

July 1st, 2016 by

It’s a rainy evening, a funereal grey sky broodily tipping it down – as befits an outing to a cemetery. We could be extras in a film about the undead. As night falls, we are led off into the woods in a silent procession. As we go deeper, feet tramping through mud, twigs crackling beneath […]

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Andrew Schneider: YOUARENOWHERE

June 28th, 2016 by

Created by Brooklyn based artist Andrew Schneider, YOUARENOWHERE has toured internationally to great renown. Its UK appearance is a collaboration between Gate Theatre, Shoreditch Town Hall and LIFT 2016. YOUARENOWHERE is exactly how I feel right now. Fingertips poised above the keyboard trying to articulate a response to something out of this world… At the […]

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MIss Revolutionary Extreme Voices

Miss Revolutionary Idol Berserker: Extreme Voices

June 28th, 2016 by

No neat folding of T-shirts here. Toco Nikaido and her fearless, 33-strong troupe are going to turn the theatre into a playground and give us all a ‘happy, hysterical time’. So for 45 intense and colour-saturated minutes they bombard the audience with sound, light, dance and liberally flung stuff. It’s messy, loud, thrilling and exhausting […]

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Dante or Die: Handle With Care

June 20th, 2016 by

Dante or Die are a company whose modus operandi often leads them to craft work by responding to specific sites and the potential stories locked within them. Past shows have included I Do, in which a series of hotel bedrooms served as a location to explore the build up to a wedding. Handle with Care, […]

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Gonzo Moose: Great Scott!

June 14th, 2016 by

With the enticing premise ‘What if Captain Scott actually perished whilst saving the world from aliens?’ this anarchic comedy provides an irreverently inventive take on the ‘real’ story behind Captain Scott’s 1912 expedition to the South Pole. Gonzo Moose are known for a farcical approach to storytelling, combining clowning, physical theatre and improvisation. These elements […]

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