
Yorgos Karamalegos - Home

Yorgos Karamalegos: Home

February 1st, 2016 by

Medea is a myth that centres on Medea’s choice to leave her homeland to follow her heart, joining her lover, the Cretan King Jason. This staple of the Greek canon is a rich exploration of love, betrayal, and vengeance and, as is usual with Greek tragedy, avoids providing an easy answer or singular viewpoint. It […]

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Circa - The Return - Photo by Tristram Kenton

Circa: The Return

February 1st, 2016 by

This atmospheric response to Monteverdi’s opera Il Ritorno d’Ulisse in Patria is the latest UK premiere from prolific Australian circus company Circa. A regular visitor to London’s Barbican, it is Circa’s first visit as part of the London International Mime Festival. The Return sees six acrobats (three men and three women) share the roles of ‘a man trying […]

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Mel Brimfield & Gwyneth Herbert: Springtime for Henry (and Barbara)

January 31st, 2016 by

Imagine – it’s opening night of a long-awaited new musical on London’s West End. Can director Larry Goldblatt (David Bedella) succeed where Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir Peter Hall, and Peter Brook have failed? Will the book surpass those of Harold Pinter, Howard Brenton, or National Treasure Alan Bennett? Might the music eclipse that of Stephen […]

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Alexander Vantournhout - Aneckxander - Photo by Bart Grietens

Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens: Aneckxander

January 29th, 2016 by

This calming and charming performance, subtitled A Tragic Autobiography of the Body, showcases Vantournhout, stripped of all clothing, as he progresses through a series of mini-acts adorning himself with objects, skills, and human expression. The collaboration between performer Alexander Vantournhout and dramaturge Bauke Lievens sets out to redefine contemporary circus by exploring the role of […]

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Jakop Ahlbom - Horror - Photo by Sanne Peper

Jakop Ahlbom Company: Horror

January 29th, 2016 by

Horror is postmodern montage of silly, supernatural, creepy, and outrageously gory tricks that has a packed auditorium squirming, laughing, and jumping as the climactic scenes keep coming one after the other. Three friends come across an abandoned house and enter Little Red Riding Hood style in red capes; we are immediately aware of their vulnerability […]

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