A neutrino is a sub-atomic particle and, we are told, is also the smallest amount of reality ever imagined by a human being. What unfolds is partly a whimsical and absurd lecture on the science of sub-atomic particles (the spin of atoms is like the random spin of life) and partly a manifesto on how the mundaneness of human existence through coincidence can produce moments of profound revelation.
Unlimited Theatre have set themselves a challenging task of creating theatre which deftly uses three performance styles to tell their story – thus creating a thought-provoking and humorous look at life through the metaphors of mind-boggling science. The strong ensemble acting boldly moves between the lecturer's podium, illustrated with images from a slide projector, to a naturalistically performed series of meetings between strangers and old acquaintances on a train, interspersed with scenes of symbolic and repetitive movement.
There is a sense that these movement sequences are surplus to requirement – expressionistic choreography which, though providing intriguing pictures, only serves to confuse the narrative. Perhaps this is an indication of a stylistic approach that is still in its infancy. This complaint, however, pales next to the strength of the writing and the humour and precision of the performances, especially from Jon Spooner as the lecturer in control of his material and of the slide machine. Neutrino has won the company a second Fringe First (the first award was for Static last year), so we should expect even greater things from them in the future.