A name in lights, a vintage caravan, a chorus warming up, stagehands sweeping, a band running through a soundcheck. The houselights dim. The caravan spins to reveal an open-fronted side, showing a comfy pink-cushioned den. Two ‘ladies’ in identical embroidered satin kimonos look out. Our narrator, Dora Chance, tells us that she was born on […]

Empathy Museum: A Mile in My Shoes
October 24th, 2018 by Aislinn KellyI expect the empathetic burden to be entirely my own when I visit the Empathy Museum: A Mile in My Shoes. I expect the museum to put my empathy through its paces. What I experience is something more balanced. The speakers whose shoes I wear speak to me – via a recording on an iPod […]

Clod Ensemble: Placebo
October 24th, 2018 by Lisa WolfeI was shocked recently to learn that dock leaves offer no scientifically proven relief to nettle stings. What I had taken as a given all my life was not ancient folkloric wisdom but yet another tale told by those mischievous ‘old wives.’ What we choose to believe depends on how it is sold to us. […]

Slow Art
September 25th, 2018 by Dorothy Max PriorDorothy Max Prior goes to Inside Out Dorset, a biennial outdoor arts festival with an emphasis on work that both honours and engages with the landscape in which it is sited, urban or rural A Friday evening in September on the waterfront at Poole Quay. A bright night, with a tiny sliver of new moon […]

Circus Playlist 2018
September 24th, 2018 by Adrian BerryHe’s back! Adrian Berry, Artistic Director of Jacksons Lane, returns with the legendary Edinburgh Fringe Circus Playlist Ok, 2018 Edinburgh Fringe – it’s that time once more when I whizz through half a dozen or so circus shows and compare them to a random album from the depths of my mind. Who’s going to be […]