Well, can it? Then how? Where do we start? Yael Karavan asks the questions and tries to find some answers As far back as I can remember, from a very young age, I’ve been involved with the performing arts; exploring ways to break the mundane reality into an unexpected, absurd, surreal and poetic visual realm. […]

Be Fierce, Be Fabulous, Live Free
February 4th, 2021 by Isaac Ouro-GnaoIsaac Ouro-Gnao reflects on the the work of Vicki Igbokwe of Uchenna Dance, a pioneer in UK hip hop theatre Think about hip hop theatre in the UK and you will veer towards names like Jonzi D, Benji Reid, Robert Hylton, and Kwesi Johnson. I won’t ask the tired question or point to the obvious. […]

Right Up Your Street
January 29th, 2021 by Paschale StraitonPaschale Straiton reflects on current times and sees an opportunity to rethink the role of the artist in our communities A few times this past year I’ve experienced a new twist to the psychological condition inherent in being a performer: that strange slippage between being ‘off’ and ‘on’, between the private, domestic me and the public, […]

Almost There
January 18th, 2021 by Dorothy Max PriorCelebrating the launch of his newly commissioned short film for London International Mime Festival 2021, Dorothy Max Prior meets performer, choreographer and theatre director Andrew Dawson, an artist whose eclectic career has taken him across the world – and even to the moon and back ‘Our human essence lies not in arrival but in being […]

Long Live LIMF!
January 14th, 2021 by Dorothy Max PriorIt’s January, and we know what that means – the London International Mime Festival is back with another wonderful array of ‘image-rich performance for an adventurous and curious audience’. Dorothy Max Prior reflects on the 2021 programme London International Mime Festival is the longest established international theatre festival in the country. Founder and co-director Joseph […]