
Periplum 451 Photo Ray Gibson

Periplum: 451

July 12th, 2015 by

In the still of a London night after dusk: overhead tannoy speakers broadcast the dense, loud sounds of helicopters and military aircraft, the reverberations enough to make you wince and cower slightly; and an endless litany of warnings and commands in a number of different languages. High on posts, twirling anemometers measure the wind speed. […]

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Damon Albarn / Moira Buffini:

July 10th, 2015 by

A few minutes before the start of the show the lights have gone down and the woman next to me is pleading with the usher (who has asked her to switch her laptop off) to let her finish her Facebook messaging. When the usher leaves the woman carries messaging from within her handbag in the dark […]

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Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui: M¡longa

June 18th, 2015 by

A beautiful start – reminiscent of Pina Bausch. Or perhaps even a Gotan Project gig. A screen fills the stage, and on it we see a milonga in progress, the camera wandering over the images of the couples dancing beautifully with each other, oblivious of the camera. Regular people, on a night out in Buenos […]

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Circumference - Shelter Me - Photo by Richard Davenport

Circumference: Shelter Me

June 10th, 2015 by

This atmospheric debut performance from contemporary circus company Circumference tantalisingly seeks to merge theatrical content with spectacular circus, questioning how we interact in a world of increasing ‘social networks’. Shelter Me emerges out of a significant gestation period, with early versions of the work tested during Theatre Delicatessen’s SPACED Festival (at 35 Marylebone Gardens) and […]

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Stitch It - Photo by Martina Bellotto

Inbal Nelly Lewis [Fichman]: Stitch It!

June 9th, 2015 by

Out of the darkened stage emerges the frozen static image of a classical ballerina. There is just enough light to make her out, enough dark to keep the image obscure – a glimpse of a young woman and the promise of a dance. It’s a tantalising opener and all the more evocative for its hard to […]

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