
Zion Dance Company: Another Tarantino Story

Zion Dance Company: Another Tarantino Story

May 7th, 2013 by

In the first of three dance pieces by the Californian dance company Zion the audience is invited to cluster around a small raised stage. As mine was an English audience of course there was much embarrassed shuffling ‘not too close’, and the stage manager handling this aspect of our entry had to coax and encourage. […]

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Hunt & Darton / Future Ruin / The Honest Crowd: Table Manners

Hunt & Darton / Future Ruin / The Honest Crowd: Table Manners

May 6th, 2013 by

Table Manners dished up three courses ‘exploring the rituals of food and dining that enshrine our social hierarchies and hang-ups’. First comes the buffet, Delia – We’ve Been Thinking, presented in lavish colour by Hunt & Darton. Seating is placed around the fully laden and largely inaccessible buffet display. We are given name tags so that […]

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version 1.0: The Disappearances Project | Photo: Heidrun Lohr

version 1.0: The Disappearances Project

May 4th, 2013 by

When somebody disappears without explanation you can’t fail to notice, as you process the excruciating painfulness of it, that the experience is also a curiously powerful one. The suspension of normality, a heightened awareness of every possibility around you – the ongoing lack of any resolution fundamentally skews your perspective on the world. The sense […]

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Peter Reder: The Contents of a House

Peter Reder: The Contents of a House

May 4th, 2013 by

Pedigree and provenance, that’s what it’s all about. This ‘subversive promenade performance’ is one of the key commissions for this year’s Brighton Festival, and follows in the Festival’s tradition of commissioning high quality site-responsive work as a key part of its theatre programme. It takes the form of a tour around Preston Manor, described quite […]

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Siro-A: Technodelic!

Siro-A: Technodelic!

April 22nd, 2013 by

Before the performance begins a video camera pointed at the audience projects our waiting faces onto the screen, individuals singled out and video mapped onto the bodies of superheroes and samurai wrestlers. We laugh, we smile, we’re amused and enchanted. After this pre-show, it’s a helter-skelter freefall into an optic, joyful, fast-paced, pulsating arcade of […]

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