
Nereus Pike ¦ Photo: Dan Bryan

Laura Mugridge, with Katy Schutte & Tom Adams: The Watery Journey of Nereus Pike

February 6th, 2013 by

Prepare for a dip in the ocean, and a dizzying soar through the air… a dance in the dark, and an eddy of storytelling, music, comedy, shipping forecasts, and animation. This is The Watery Journey of Nereus Pike, presented by Laura Mugridge as ‘a true story that I made up’, with live sound from Tom […]

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dreamthinkspeak: In The Beginning Was The End

dreamthinkspeak: In The Beginning Was The End

February 6th, 2013 by

Dreamthinkspeak have developed a unique and identifiable theatrical idiom which, at its best, alchemises site, space, installation and interaction into meaning and experiences that cast new light on old classics. Before I Sleep (2010) recast The Cherry Orchard into a poignantly iconic Cooperative department store in an unloved corner of Brighton, a hugely resonant marriage […]

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The Watery Journey of Nereus Pike | Photo: Dan Bryan

Laura Mugridge, with Katy Schutte & Tom Adams: The Watery Journey of Nereus Pike

February 6th, 2013 by

Prepare for a dip in the ocean, and a dizzying soar through the air… a dance in the dark, and an eddy of storytelling, music, comedy, shipping forecasts, and animation. This is The Watery Journey of Nereus Pike, presented by Laura Mugridge as ‘a true story that I made up’, with live sound from Tom Adams […]

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Told by an Idiot: My Perfect Mind

Told by an Idiot: My Perfect Mind

February 5th, 2013 by

The set design of Told by an Idiot’s My Perfect Mind looked clinical and was full of disparate objects: screens, a wind machine, table and chairs, and a thundersheet from which a ramp sloped downwards at an awkward gradient. I immediately drew a blank: how would these things come together coherently? The smooth hessian or […]

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National Theatre of Scotland: The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart

David Greig / National Theatre of Scotland: The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart

January 31st, 2013 by

Another huge international hit for The National Theatre of Scotland (following Black Watch, Beautiful Burnout and Midsummer), I’d somehow managed to miss the initial performances and tour of Prudencia Hart – even when it was on Brighton’s Palace Pier last year. I had caught a few minutes of it at Edinburgh in 2011, and I […]

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