This year, the London Mime Festival plays host to a number of worldwide, top quality performers in a programme which is refreshingly diverse and should cater for anyone’s taste. Literally, a feast for any theatre-goer with a sense of adventure! Sheer indulgence is recommended. Not to mention the people who are causing all this excitement from Italy, Tag Theatre presenting The Madness of Isabella, one of the most famous commedia scenarios, directed by Carlos Boso, Mr Bob Berky himself in person, from U.S.A., Pierre Byland and Mareike Schnitker, Natural Theatre Co., Paul Clark, sucking Beckettian stones, Grif Theatre from Holland, Jacques Bourgaux from France and Abel & Gordon from Holland throwing in the tender love story! Trestle perform Ties that Bind, as well as offerings from Heap & Wall, Theatresports, Les Bubb, Mark Kingsford and Habbe & Meik from Germany.
Of course, the coup: this year, the Festival has commissioned The Vinegar Works from those ‘outstanding young theatre talents’ dereck dereck. Do not even think of missing this production. Hunt out your full colour fronted brochure now or write to: The London Mime Festival, 28 Museum Street, London WCIA ILH.