
Peeping Tom - 32 Rue Vandenbranden - Photo Herman Sorgeloos

Peeping Tom: 32 Rue Vandenbranden

February 5th, 2015 by

We’re washed about by the sound of a whistling, chilling wind. Darkness lifts to reveal a snowy landscape and a couple of opposing rickety trailer homes gazed over by a huge sky. A hunched female figure in heels steps onto the vast white and hesitantly halts. Blue plastic bags breeze across her path like polythene […]

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DV8 Physical Theatre: John

DV8 Physical Theatre: John

February 2nd, 2015 by

Meet John. John, we learn, had the sort of childhood that shakes your belief in the inherent goodness of human beings, and challenges the myth of the ‘caring society’ in this rich and supposedly civilised country of ours. John’s early life is one of immense poverty, marred by physical, emotional and sexual abuse. A life […]

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Basi Twist: Dogugaeshi

Basil Twist: Dogugaeshi

February 2nd, 2015 by

On the Barbican Pit stage, a screen, and within it another screen, and within it another, and another, and another… and so (almost) to infinity. We start with what appears to be an animated film – flickering images of tiny travelling people crossing a mountain, a boat tossing on the sea. These animations are actually […]

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Theatre Re - Blind Man's Song - Photo François Verbeek

Theatre Re: Blind Man’s Song

January 27th, 2015 by

It’s a bold move to premiere your new show at London International Mime Festival, and one which young international ensemble Theatre Re only partly pull off. Not unlike Theatre Ad Infinitum’s Light, which plays elsewhere in the festival, the focus of their show is on darkness, or more specifically living in blindness, and their ideas […]

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Cie 111-Bory-Ito - Plexus - Photo Aglae_Bory

Compagnie 111 / Aurélien Bory / Kaori Ito: Plexus

January 24th, 2015 by

Aurélien Bory is a regular at the London International Mime Festival, having astounded audiences with Plan B and Plus Au Moins Infini, amongst others. He creates fascinating performances that merge dance, circus, and large-scale installation type sets to awing affect. In this year’s offering, Plexus, he continues to dazzle. The definition of the word ‘plexus’ […]

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