
Sleepdogs - The Bullet And The Bass Trombone - Photo Paul Blakemore

Sleepdogs: The Bullet and the Bass Trombone

May 19th, 2014 by

The Bullet and the Bass Trombone is a show about a haunting. A composer stands at the centre of an empty semicircle of music stands. As his story unfolds – and it’s one whose motives and actions feel all too plausible, of postcolonial resentment, civil unrest and murderous realpolitiks – they start to feel like […]

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Red Herring Productions: Funny Peculiar

May 17th, 2014 by

What makes a person ‘eccentric?’ A lack of inhibitions? Non-conformist behaviour or dress sense? An obsessive interest in just one thing? The group taking part in Funny Peculiar, a walking tour of Brighton, is asked to consider this question before setting off. It is the first of series of quiet, contemplative moments amidst the madcap […]

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Casus Jerk

Casus: Jerk

May 16th, 2014 by

Crash! A body lands from a height – it’s a wake-up start to the show. The body belongs to a young woman who seems a little bit dazed but OK, shakes her head a few times, tumbles with ease across the small stage. Then – jerk! Some kind of synaptic snap occurs, and she’s thrown […]

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Long Live The Little Knife Photo-Tommy Ga-Ken Wan

Fire Exit / David Leddy: Long Live the Little Knife

May 15th, 2014 by

I’m late to the party with this show, much feted at last year’s Edinburgh Fringe, and have just a few comments to add to Dorothy Max Prior’s summary hot from the festival. David Leddy is known for his creative pushing of site specific performance and it’s very interesting to encounter his work in a studio, […]

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Talk to the Demon. Photo Danny Willems

Ultima Vez: Talk to the Demon

May 14th, 2014 by

Demon, daemon, fiend. Christianity traditionally places the demon, a spiritual entity that can be conjured or controlled, in binary opposition to the good and the godly. Many ancient mythologies see gods and demons as one and the same. In Bali, a black-and-white chequered flag is at every household or temple door, reminding the guest that […]

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