
NTS - Our Lady of Perpetual Succour - Photo by Murdo Macleod

National Theatre of Scotland & Live Theatre: Our Ladies of Perpetual Succour

May 26th, 2016 by

There are certain times of our lives whose intensity feels formative. Or perhaps it’s because so much of our selves are being forged in those moments that their experience is searing. The turning point at the end of school before moving on to – who knowns what, exactly? – but ‘adulthood’, is one of those […]

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BERLIN: Zvizdal (Chernobyl – so far so close)

May 26th, 2016 by

Zvizdal, the latest work by Belgian company BERLIN follows in the footsteps of Bonanza, which controversially won a Total Theatre Award, causing consternation to those who considered it to be a documentary film rather than ‘theatre’, as there are no performers (although there are visible artist-technicians). But Bonanza and Zvizdal, which are both in the […]

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Home Live Art: At Home – A 21st Century Salon

May 26th, 2016 by

The view through the window is stripes: pavement, road, pavement, road, pavement, beach, sea. It’s a stratified, multi-directional landscape that is flat and vertical, close and distant that both flattens and extends space. We are encouraged by our Salon host, Anton Lemski (aka Richard Layzell) to spend time during our visit considering the space between […]

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Old Saw - Meadow

Old Saw: Meadow

May 24th, 2016 by

Packed into the Warren’s smallest studio are signs of organic life. A tree’s branches reach up toward the rig and from the floor wild grasses are sprouting. It’s a relief to enter this world as we pile in from the busy playground of the Warren’s ambitious, astroturfed Edinburgh-style courtyard. The carefully crafted set whose materials […]

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Silencio Blanco - Chiflon The Silence of the Coal - Photo by Lorenzo Mella

Silencio Blanco: Chiflón: The Silence of the Coal

May 23rd, 2016 by

It begins with a death. The small, fragile-looking, pale figure is working underground, in a tunnel supported by wonky struts and lit by tiny lamps. He hammers, he shovels. There are drips and echoes, sounds of other work going on unseen around him, and then there is a louder sound. He is alarmed. One of […]

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