
Vox Motus - Dragon - Photo by Peter Dibdin

Vox Motus / National Theatre of Scotland / Tianjin People’s Arts Theatre: DRAGON

August 19th, 2015 by

On taking your seat you’re immediately struck by the image on stage – a series of concentric circles shape the black space, framing the suggestion of a city in the distance. A series of amazing-looking clouds hang in rows coming from the back to the front. There’s a sense both of familiarity and magic. Of […]

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The Letter J - Grandad and Me

The Letter J: Grandad and Me

August 19th, 2015 by

This performance is a beautiful mix of a lot of different forms. The central performing character is a dancer and she is supported onstage by a singer/musician and a musician singer. This piece sometimes verges into a performed music gig with dance, but mainly it’s an amalgam of dance theatre, singing, and spoken word. Technically, […]

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Papermoon - Mwathirika

Papermoon Puppet Theatre: Mwathirika

August 19th, 2015 by

This puppetry and visual theatre performance from Indonesia takes as its starting point a bloody military coup that took place in 1965, opening with a video projection of (literal) puppet politicians giving speeches and live masked performers cheering the events waving red balloons and red flags. One either side of the white cotton screen that […]

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Fourth Monkey - Hansel and Gretel

Fourth Monkey: Hansel and Gretel

August 19th, 2015 by

My interest in seeing the work of Fourth Monkey comes from their approach to training. The company run their own one or two year course with an emphasis on ensemble practice, where participants pay to train and have access to performance opportunities such as this show Hansel and Gretel, written by Toby Clarke (Sketty Theatre). […]

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Robert Lepage Ex Machina 887

Robert Lepage / Ex Machina: 887

August 18th, 2015 by

Speak white! / C’est une langue universelle / Nous sommes nés pour la comprendre / Avec ses mots lacrymogènes / Avec ses mots matraques… On the stage is a beautifully crafted model of a 1930s apartment block – a kind of giant dolls house, with each apartment lighting up as our storyteller describes who lives there. This is 887 […]

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