
Young Jean Lee: The Shipment

June 12th, 2014 by

LIFT’s Artistic Director Mark Ball has given this fresh, funny and unsettling piece, commissioned by the Wexner Centre Ohio in 2008, its UK premiere. Good work Mark, for a cracker. Opening as a kind of contemporary minstrel cabaret, the cast of five play the stereotypes they are most frequently auditioned for: the crack dealer Omar, […]

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Worboys Productions: Mrs McMoon & Signor Baffo

June 11th, 2014 by

We enter to a sleeping Mrs McMoon all cosy and comfortable in her spotty housecoat, dozing snug in her red polka-dot armchair. We’ve time to observe her and her environment; a kitchen come livingroom, complete with cuckoo clock and cooker. As she startles and briskly jumps up to answer her ringing outsized phone, we’re immediately […]

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She She Pop: Testament

June 11th, 2014 by

By their own admission LIFT have wanted to programme She She Pop for the last few years, only succeeding in doing so this year, and given the evidence of She She Pop’s latest piece Testament it is not hard to see why. A female performance collective, though featuring male members, She She Pop explore the […]

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Not Easy Company: Losing It

June 11th, 2014 by

The publicity says ‘Everyone experiences loss every day from the small things to the deeper losses, whether it’s losing your keys or forgetting something…’ Up on the stage, a big jumble sale like heap of clothes lies on a table. A couple of dour looking clowns attire themselves from the mismatched forsaken garments. A red […]

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Wendy Houston: Pact With Pointlessness

June 6th, 2014 by

A thrashing punk riff heralds the start of Wendy Houston’s latest work, a tribute to former collaborator and friend Nigel Charnock who died last year. As the music thrums she bolts onto the stage, running in circles before disappearing again. And so begins a show that, although constructed from futile acts and asinine platitudes, resonates […]

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