
Lundahl & Seitl: Symphony of a Missing Room

June 4th, 2014 by

Lundahl & Seitl’s Symphony of a Missing Room leads us into an environment where the individual is cherished.  It is our own perception of our world around us that makes this work beautifully unique.  In stark contrast to some larger-scale site-based immersive works, here there is a care, subtlety, and attention to each audience member […]

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Theatre Re: The Little Soldiers

June 4th, 2014 by

Theatre Re are a young French-English company exploring corporeal mime to tell stories that walk the tightrope between fantasy and reality. In The Little Soldiers the apparent setting is a circus, figured by a string of pendant tungsten bulbs draped attractively across a stage peopled by three grease-painted archetypes of silent movie styled commedia. The […]

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Tom Bailey & Jez riley French: Nightwalk

June 3rd, 2014 by

Following a year-long residency with the National Trust, this audio walk by Tom Bailey and Jez riley French features a well produced and multilayered series of sound portraits, detailing some of the history of Leigh Woods. It takes place at night which opens a number of possibilities: it changes the focus of our perception, confronts […]

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Inconvenient Spoof: Buddhism: Is It Just For Losers?

June 3rd, 2014 by

Engaging, interesting and funny, Buddhism: Is It Just For Losers keeps the audience chortling if not belly-laughing throughout. Premiering in last year’s Fringe at the Nightingale, this year reworked and at the Marlborough Theatre, it was a safe pick for the Fringe reflected in enthusiastic full houses (sandwiched in a superb range of programming at […]

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Atlas Movement Company: Wonderland

June 3rd, 2014 by

This is a modest production by a young company on a very small stage, but clearly much enjoyed by the youngsters and their parents in attendance. From the repeating wordplay, to the well-timed audience interactions and the inclusion of a just-scary-enough Queen of Hearts, this concise reworking of Alice in Wonderland demonstrates throughout a keen […]

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