
Greg Wohead - The Ted Bundy Project - Photo Rod Farry

Greg Wohead: The Ted Bundy Project

May 22nd, 2014 by

Taking as his starting point the confession tapes of Ted Bundy, Greg Wohead examines our glib fascination with the narratives of murder. That we have an appetite for stories of human cruelty and horror is evidenced by a brief look at the contents of any newspaper. Murder, sexual abuse, catastrophes and suffering make up the […]

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Walking Stories - Photo Dan Dennison

Charlotte Spencer Projects: Walking Stories

May 22nd, 2014 by

The sun is bright above us as I sit on the grass in Stanmer Park waiting for Walking Stories to begin. We are handed headphones and gathered together as group. There is advice about trusting your instincts, and reassurances that, as you strike out into the open spaces, you will be looked after and you […]

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Split Britches/Peggy Shaw: Ruff

May 22nd, 2014 by

Bits of the brain go dark. The memories they contain disappear. Speech, thought, up and down: all scratch and twist and fail. What do you do? In this case the artist continues to do what they almost cannot do, nothing else is possible. In January 2011 Peggy Shaw suffered two strokes, and as one half […]

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All In - Love Sick

All In: Love Sick

May 22nd, 2014 by

At one stage in Love Sick I was doubled up with hysterical laughter in the front row, lost for breath.  It is always a transformative thing to laugh that much, and the memory exists as a warm glow – but somehow all this good feeling has to be communicated in a review that gets across […]

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Third World Television: The Epicene Butcher and Other Stories for Consenting Adults

May 22nd, 2014 by

In the ancient Japanese picture-based story telling tradition, Kamishibai, the travelling tellers sold sweets to gather in an audience. For this Brighton Festival show, anyone who sat in the front row was given a lolly, one provocatively pre-sucked by the cheeky Chalk Boy (Glen Biderman-Pam). Chalk Boy acted as scene changer and entertainer, silent throughout, […]

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