
KompleXKaphaurnüM, Figures Libres | Photo: Ray Gibson

Without Walls: Brighton Festival Goes Outdoors

June 4th, 2013 by

Brighton Festival has a long-standing commitment to what was once called ‘street theatre’ or ‘street arts’ but which now tends to be called ‘outdoor arts’. Which is – or at least in Total Theatre’s opinion should be – work that is presented in public spaces, free to audiences and ideally unticketed, so that the passer-by […]

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Hofesh Shechter, Political Mother Derry-Londonderry Uncut

Derry-Londonderry: UK City of Culture

June 3rd, 2013 by

Ebrington is a huge and chillingly evocative reclaimed military complex turned new civic centre on the East bank of the river Foyle (and the destination of the EU-funded Peace bridge which now, stunningly, connects the two halves of the city, Catholic and Protestant). It is here that Derry-Londonderry City of Culture have chosen to stage […]

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How a Man Crumbled

How a Man Crumbled

June 3rd, 2013 by

It’s the final seconds of the final scene of the final performance of How a Man Crumbled at the Edinburgh Fringe 2012, and an audience member has just had a panic attack. Her friend assures me afterwards that she’s OK. Not to give too much away but the scene involves offal. Whilst audience reactions are not always […]

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Bem Aqui, Bem Agora workshop, LUME Teatro

Right Here, Right Now: Site Responsive Theatre

June 3rd, 2013 by

As I write (April 2013), the new dreamthinkspeak show In the Beginning was the End has just finished a run at Somerset House; Look Left Look Right (who won a Total Theatre Award for their show You Once Said Yes, set on the streets and public spaces of Edinburgh) open their latest one-on-one show Above and Beyond, commissioned for […]

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The Vaccum Cleaner, Mental

SICK! Festival

June 3rd, 2013 by

Focusing on physical and mental sickness, as well as social and spiritual sickness, The Basement’s SICK! is an international cross-artform festival exploring the ways our bodies and minds can act against us, the things we can do to regain control, and what lies beneath the surface for some of us – all of us – […]

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