
The Tin Can People: Katie and Pip

August 9th, 2018 by

Katie is 15, and has diabetes. Katie also has Pip. Pip is a dog. Pip can smell when Katie’s blood sugar is either too high or too low. Katie and Pip are in the show, and the show is about them. It’s also about type 1 diabetes (which Katie was diagnosed with age 2, and […]

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Dante or Die: User Not Found

August 7th, 2018 by

A pair of headphones and an iPhone are all the audience are given when inside the Jeelie Piece café. Once instructed to wear them, the background noise of a different café comes through – or is it this café? Who’s in this café? Are they actors? – along with a voice: ‘Listen… I could be […]

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Theatre Re and Fourth Monkey Training: The Woman and the Canvas

August 7th, 2018 by

Under the direction of Theatre Re’s Guillaume Pigé, students of Fourth Monkey Actor Training Company have created a high energy piece of physical theatre that is both polished and captivating. Being the only professional production at Edinburgh Fringe this year to feature performers in training, The Woman and the Canvas is a good example of […]

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Gandini Juggling/ Patfield & Triguero: Gibbon

August 7th, 2018 by

Chris Patfield and Jose Triguero (the choreographers and performers of this show, produced under the auspices of Gandini Juggling) chatter, then they juggle, then they chatter some more, and then they juggle some more – thus goes the structure for Gibbon. When they talk with one another, they do so in a slightly hushed tone, […]

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IF you can dream…

August 3rd, 2018 by

Lisa Wolfe goes to Milton Keynes’ International Festival and samples a smorgasbord of theatrical delights from around the world Arriving in Milton Keynes under a burning July sky, it feels like a town that’s been lifted from California and dropped onto the flatlands of Buckinghamshire. The archetypal new-town, Milton Keynes was designed to bring commerce, […]

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