
Emma Serjeant: Grace

August 10th, 2016 by

High up in the space, curled up around a rope, is a body, and as the show starts, the body descends, falls with a thud. A confused young woman in a smart black trouser suit and red shirt looks out to us. I remember, she says… I remember… She remembers crossing the road, her mobile […]

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Rachael Clerke and the Great White Males: Cuncrete

August 9th, 2016 by

A drag king punk gig about architecture and idealism? Bring it on! Cuncrete sees Rachael Clerke assume the identity of Archie ‘I invented the Barbican’ Tactful, architect, who becomes the vessel for her exploration of the domination of our built environment by Great White Males. She is aided and abetted by a posse of performance […]

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Upswing: Bedtime Stories

Upswing: Bedtime Stories

August 9th, 2016 by

The space is so inviting! A large Spiegeltent, with a bed on a platform in the middle of the circular space, a kind of giant lampshade above it. Soft night-time lighting, in gentle blues and ambers. All around the edges of the floor space, little beds and cushions. Behind them, rows of chairs covered with […]

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Sliver Lining & Jacksons Lane: Throwback

August 9th, 2016 by

What’s she gonna look like with a chimney on her… If you wanna be my lover… Stop right now, thank you very much… It’s not unusual to be loved by anyone… Hey, the Macarena! What’s your feel-good throwback song? The song that reminds you of the good times? Write it on a piece of paper, […]

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Company Here and Now: Perhaps Hope

August 9th, 2016 by

‘Good evening this is your captain speaking. Get ready for a crash landing. We’re going down’.   Perhaps Hope is a circus show with a difference: a dark and moody circus-theatre exploration of a dystopian future. Or perhaps it’s the present. Two people – a kind of end-of-civilisation Adam and Eve – are marooned somewhere, who […]

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