
Ship-shape and Bristol Fashion: the story of salt…

May 18th, 2016 by

Hello Darling One, My name is Selina Thompson, I’m 26, an artist based between Leeds and Birmingham. I make performance about – I’m finding that sentence increasingly hard to finish. And I think it is because I am changing quite a bit. On 12 February, I got on a cargo ship, and sailed from Antwerp […]

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Spymonkey/Tim Crouch: The Complete Deaths

May 18th, 2016 by

As flies to wanton boys are we to the gods, and as flies they are struck down, one by one. The Richards and the Henries. Antony. Cleopatra. Romeo. Juliet. Lear. Macbeth. Hamlet. And the lesser people, them too. All of them. 23 stabbings, 12 sword fights, 5 poisonings, 12 suicides, 2 throats cut, 1 smothering, […]

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Pursued by a Bear - The Lamellar Project

Pursued by a Bear: The Lamellar Project

May 18th, 2016 by

The Lamellar Project have saved the world. Their genetic reconstructions of species subject to mysterious and ecologically catastrophic mass extinctions have rejuvenated failing food webs. Who’s to begrudge them the odd tweak here and there – to improve nature’s pattern where such improvements can now be identified? Yet of course, with modification comes commodification: ownership. […]

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Human Zoo - The Girl who Fell in Love with the Moon

The Human Zoo: The Girl who Fell in Love with the Moon

May 18th, 2016 by

Five actors in clownish makeup perform energetically in a highly theatrical mixture of exaggerated gestures and over-enunciation. They establish a premise that the troupe is travelling to Brighton to perform their (this) show. They stop off on the way to rehearse to an imaginary audience. This second production from young collaborative company Human Zoo offers […]

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The Rainbow Collectors and Karis Halsall: Hysterical

May 18th, 2016 by

This is a fundamentally conventional play by performance poet Karis Halsall that veers off on surreal departures using puppetry and clown, as two of the characters experience hallucinations. A young woman applying for a job at an advertising agency is assisted in her pitch to sell bottled water by a talking baby doll. Her more […]

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